The holiday season has officially arrived. Whether you invite the entire family or keep it on the smaller side, consider using products from local businesses. Not only will your family be treated to an unmatched meal or experience, but it will also create the ideal occasion for quality family time.  Here are some of the… Read More

Social media has an abundance of captivating videos and seemingly reliable advice. But it’s important to exercise caution when applying advice from social platforms. This is especially true with financial content, like GirlMath or cryptocurrency investment hacks, as they can be misleading. According to a recent survey, 79% of millennial and Gen Z Americans have… Read More

Protecting our planet is a collective responsibility that benefits us all. Though the idea of making these changes may seem overwhelming, even the smallest of actions possess the potential to have significant impacts as time goes on. Be a Conscious Consumer Being a conscious consumer helps to reduce our collective environmental footprint. Conscious consumerism means… Read More

Aunque el aumento de las tasas de interés trae incertidumbres  en la economía, hay formas de utilizar esas alzas de precios para tu beneficio. Ya sea abriendo una cuenta de ahorros con tasas de interés altas o transfiriendo saldos de tarjetas de crédito, hemos recopilado cuatro sugerencias para ayudarte a navegar por las crecientes tasas… Read More

Gen Zers — the generation born between 1997 and 2012 — are reshaping the travel industry by finding creative ways to travel on a budget. In fact, 61% of Gen Zers who took three or more vacations in the past year come from households earning less than $50,000 annually.  So how can you travel cheaply?… Read More

Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you can make. While the process can seem intimidating, there are programs, resources and professionals ready to help you with the challenges of purchasing your first home. Here are some things to consider before buying and what you can expect from the process. Homeownership Can… Read More

With the Federal Reserve continuing to raise interest rates to fight inflation, it can feel intimidating to navigate interest rates, loans and mortgages these days. The Fed raised rates for the 10th consecutive time following their meeting on May 3rd. However, the modest .25% hike suggests policymakers might be moving in a new direction for… Read More

According to a Greenlight® study in 2021, 74% of teens don’t feel confident about their financial education. What’s more, only 13 states require high school students to take a personal-finance class to graduate. So, the chances of your teen learning basic money lessons, without your help, are meager. Since financial literacy is key to building… Read More

There are a lot of credit cards out there today. Name a demographic or spending category, and a credit card is probably designed just for people within that category. On top of that, there are different kinds of cards, including retail and bank cards. No wonder that the average American adult has three credit cards… Read More