Al comenzar el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Ciberseguridad, es importante que conozca las estafas más comunes que se aprovechan de los consumidores inocentes a diario. De hecho, la Comisión Federal de Comercio registró alrededor de 2,8 millones de informes de fraude al consumidor sólo el año pasado. A continuación, le presentamos 10 fraudes… Read More

“Hello, I am calling in regard to your car’s expired extended warranty.” “This is the IRS, and we’re calling to inform you of your unpaid tax bill.” “I am from technical support, and we have noticed a problem with your current operating system.” Do any of these sound familiar? They are all common prompts scammers… Read More

Halloween may rule October, but there’s something even scarier than ghosts and ghouls afoot, and that’s cybercriminals. These devious, unseen bandits scour the internet looking to feed on the hard-earned cash of unsuspecting victims. But have no fear. In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’ve put together a slew of easy-to-understand resources aimed at giving… Read More

Every day, thousands of people fall victim to fraudulent emails, texts and calls from scammers pretending to be their bank. In this time of expanded use of online and mobile banking, the problem is only growing worse. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission’s report on fraud estimates that American consumers lost a staggering $5.8 billion… Read More

According to the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) most recent study, consumers reported nearly 400,000 credit card fraud cases in 2021, resulting in losses totaling over $180 million. While card fraud is an unfortunate reality for many, with some preparation and vigilance, you can prevent becoming a victim. Here’s where to start. Secure Important Documents Your… Read More

Si cree que el robo de identidad nunca podría sucederle, piense nuevamente. El año pasado, la Comisión Federal de Comercio (Federal Trade Commission, FTC) (artículo en inglés), recibió una asombrosa cantidad de 1.4 millones de informes de robo de identidad. En combinación con otros casos de fraude, la pérdida total ascendió a más de $5.9… Read More

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a cybercrime scam where an imposter attempts to access critical business information or request payment in order to defraud a company. Cybercriminals send emails that appear as though it is coming from a vendor, trusted business partner, or a trusted source within the company. BEC Examples The following are common… Read More

Shopping trends are changing, and a record number of consumers are making their purchases online. As more people turn to tech for their shopping needs, the scammers are quickly following suit. A 2021 TransUnion survey found that digital fraud attempts in the U.S. rose 17.1 percent from the same time the previous year. That means millions of… Read More

Con personalidades adorables y la voluntad de mostrar amor incondicional y lealtad, no es de extrañar que los perros sean el mejor amigo del humano. Desafortunadamente, los estafadores también lo saben, y usan una variedad de tácticas para aprovecharse de los amantes de los perros desprevenidos que buscan comprar un perrito. Sin embargo, puede evitar… Read More