FirstBank believes in ensuring diversity is represented at each level of the organization. In May, we celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Month (AAPI) by recognizing and celebrating some of FirstBank’s Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander employees.

Today, we’re featuring Tim Meyers, Enterprise Cloud and Infrastructure Architect.

Hometown: New Brunswick, NJ (up to age 11) then Littleton, CO

Years at FirstBank: 13 years

Other positions held with organizations/boards:  

  • American Cancer Society- Member of Executive Committee
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society- Team Captain and Advisor for Bike MS Colorado

In three to four sentences, describe your experience in getting to where you are today.

Before coming to FirstBank, I worked in technology at different companies for many years. I was one of the first Technology Directors at FirstBank, so I have had the opportunity to see this role/department grow and evolve since its inception. In my 13 years with FirstBank, I’ve noticed that our company continues to put customers first and challenge employees to do the same regardless of leadership or industry changes.

How has FirstBank’s companywide philosophy of “banking for good” impacted your life and your career?

I have been fortunate to participate in numerous volunteer opportunities where I’ve seen firsthand the impact our “banking for good” philosophy has on these organizations. One “banking for good” activity that meant the most to me was when several Officers and I went to a veterinary clinic and posed as assistants. FirstBank surprised multiple customers and covered their vet bills. Seeing the impact this had on the people receiving this news for their beloved pets was heartwarming. Being a lifelong pet owner, this opportunity made me very proud to work for an organization that takes the time to give back to the community.

What is the best career advice you have for the next generation of leaders? What would you tell someone just starting out?   

Take advantage of the opportunities to keep growing personally and professionally and professionally. Take the chance to pursue a career, even if that means pivoting to another role. Taking those risks provides long-term satisfaction. Also, reach out to other individuals, within and outside of your immediate team, when you have career and personal growth questions. Their experiences can help provide answers and insights; those relationships can develop into long-term mentorships as you grow in your career.

Considering May is AAPI Heritage Month, which historical figure/s would you most like to meet and why?

  • George Takei is best known for his portraying Lieutenant Sulu in the original Star Trek series. He is an accomplished actor, prominent LGBT rights advocate, and political activist. George has also won awards and accolades for his work on human rights and Japan/U.S. relations. He blazed a trail for subsequent generations of Asian Americans in the performing arts. Like many people of Japanese descent at the time, and despite being American citizens, George and his family were forced to relocate to internment camps during World War II.I would like to meet George to understand how he has overcome the numerous challenges he faced in his personal life and why he chose to become a leader in so many different areas.
  • From a business perspective, I would like to meet Steve Chen, co-founder of YouTube. It would be fascinating to hear how the original idea came about and their journey to make it what it is today. I found that out of the 5 billion people who access the internet, roughly 2.1 billion of them are YouTube users. So, YouTube has a significant worldwide impact to say the least. I’m one of those 2.1 billion users and I use it for many things. I prefer the “quick hit” of watching a wide variety of content in a relatively short time.

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Published: May 22, 2024