Though rising interest rates come with ambiguous strains on the economy, there are ways to use those price hikes to your advantage. Whether it’s opening a high-interest savings account or transferring credit card balances, we’ve gathered three tips to help you navigate increasing interest rates. Maximize Your Savings Account  While inflation has made it hard… Read More

There are many factors to consider when making the decision to pursue higher education. From tuition prices, available scholarships or financing to finding the right school; there is no one-size-fits-all solution. By being realistic about your goals and planning ahead, you can make a decision that is both affordable and can help further your desired… Read More

Although the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act was passed in Colorado in 2021, the new year caught some shoppers by surprise. Effective January 1, 2023, the new law now requires all stores in Colorado to charge customers 10 cents for every plastic or paper bag provided. The complete ban of single-use plastic bags statewide will take… Read More

Paying off a home is a monumental financial and life achievement — but it’s not the end of the road for homeowners. While you may not have to worry about mortgage payments or losing your home for financial reasons, there are still factors to think about to ensure your home is working as hard for… Read More

To celebrate FirstBank’s 60 years of “banking for good,” we’ve compiled a list of 60 ways to help you make money and save it. Check out 60 Things You Didn’t Know About FirstBank at to learn more! Finances 1. Earn More with Your Money. Do you have money that seems to be just sitting… Read More

As FirstBank celebrates 60 years of “banking for good,” we’re looking back at our inception date, 1963. In the same year, Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, and President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. While the culture has changed drastically, rising costs and inflation have made 1963 feel worlds… Read More

One of the newest budgeting trends made popular by Generation Z is similar to one from a less digital world, about 20 to 30 years ago. Before the surge of plastic payment methods and virtual wallets, hoarding cash was the norm. However, the recent cash-stuffing trend has taken social media platforms by storm. If you’ve… Read More

While many of us are looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends, this year’s holiday feast could be more expensive than ever. Experts predict that your Thanksgiving meal will cost 13.5% more than last year, with a staggering 73% increase in the price per pound of turkey. The price of butter is also up 32% compared to 2021.  Despite… Read More

According to the most recent Consumer Price Index report, food prices have risen 11.4 percent from August 2021 to August 2022. In the same year, common food items have drastically increased including eggs, which went up by 39.8 percent, and butter, which rose by 24.6 percent. As the cost of groceries continues to rise, we’ve… Read More