¿Alguna vez has perdido un cheque en el correo o has enviado uno que nunca fue recibido? Es posible que el cheque haya sido robado y utilizado para hacer lavado de cheques. El lavado de cheques se produce cuando los estafadores utilizan productos químicos para lavar la tinta de un cheque y alterar el nombre… Read More

What is elder financial abuse? The U.S. Justice Department defines elder financial abuse as any improper use of an adult’s finances and property, either without their consent or through manipulative and threatening measures.  Sadly, 87.5% of older adults were victims of financial mistreatment by friends or family members, and according to the National Council on Aging,… Read More

Have you ever lost a check in the mail or sent one that was never received? It’s possible the check was stolen and used for check washing. Check washing is when fraudsters use chemicals to wash the ink off a check and alter the payee’s name or dollar amount. In October 2023, the United States… Read More

Con la temporada de conciertos en pleno apogeo, los boletos agotados hacen que exista una gran demanda de boletos de reventa. Según el Better Business Bureau (BBB)^, las estafas de compras en línea – incluidas las compras de boletos y las alertas de entrega de paquetes, etc.- están clasificadas como la segunda estafa de mayor riesgo… Read More

With concert season in full swing, sold-out shows mean resale tickets are in high demand. According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), online shopping scams—including ticket purchases, package delivery alerts, and more—are ranked as the second highest scam risk for ages 18-24 and 55-64. In 2023, 82.6% reported losing money to this type of scam.… Read More

En 2023, el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (Internal Revenue Services, IRS) identificó ^  casi 1.1 millones de declaraciones de impuestos como posible fraude. Para muchos defraudadores, la temporada de impuestos puede significar interceptar documentos tributarios importantes y engañar a contribuyentes desprevenidos para robarles su dinero. Dos estafas comunes relacionadas con los impuestos: Entonces, ¿cómo puedes… Read More

Según un informe de Better Business Bureau (BBB) de 2022^, los consumidores de entre 25 y 44 años reportaron haber perdido dinero por estafas por mensajes de texto más que cualquier otro grupo de edad. Este grupo de edad también notificó una mayor susceptibilidad al fraude (42.6 por ciento) y una mayor perdida en dólares de un… Read More

In 2023, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) identified nearly 1.1 million tax returns as potential fraud. For many fraudsters, tax season can mean intercepting important tax documents and deceiving unsuspecting taxpayers to steal their money. Two common tax-related scams: 1) Fraudsters take your tax documents, such as a W-2, and file a return to ensure… Read More

Cybersecurity is necessary to protect your computer systems and electronic data from the dangers of browsing the web. In fact, in 2022, over 490 million ransomware attacks were reported by organizations worldwide. In 2021 alone, 94% of malware was delivered via email, which demonstrates the value of knowing how to identify and prevent these sorts… Read More

It’s no surprise that investment fraud is common, since investments can often be complicated and difficult for people to understand. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in 2022, consumers reported losing more money to investment scams than any other category, adding up to a whopping $3.8 billion.  Here’s everything you need to know about… Read More