En 2023, el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (Internal Revenue Services, IRS) identificó ^  casi 1.1 millones de declaraciones de impuestos como posible fraude. Para muchos defraudadores, la temporada de impuestos puede significar interceptar documentos tributarios importantes y engañar a contribuyentes desprevenidos para robarles su dinero. Dos estafas comunes relacionadas con los impuestos: Entonces, ¿cómo puedes… Read More

Si cree que el robo de identidad nunca podría sucederle, piense nuevamente. El año pasado, la Comisión Federal de Comercio (Federal Trade Commission, FTC (página en inglés) recibió la asombrosa cantidad de 1.4 millones de denuncias de robo de identidad. En combinación con otros casos de fraude, la pérdida total ascendió a más de $5,900 millones. Pero el… Read More

If you think identity theft could never happen to you, think again. Last year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) received an astounding 1.4 million identity theft reports. Combined with other fraud cases, the total loss amounted to over $5.9 billion. But identity theft doesn’t have to happen to you. Here are some steps you can… Read More

Could the holidays make us more vulnerable to identity theft? According to experts, it can. And while fraud is a year-round problem, the holidays offer an especially opportune time for thieves. Think about it: purchasing multiple gifts — whether it’s online or in the store — increases exposure to our financial information, and sometimes that… Read More

Financial elder abuse, where senior citizens are manipulated for financial gain, is a growing problem. According to the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA), one in 20 seniors indicated some form of financial abuse or theft. Fraud and financial elder abuse costs older Americans more than $36.5 billion annually. What’s worse, 90 percent of the “abusers”… Read More

Equifax, one of the major credit reporting bureaus, announced a major cyber breach potentially affecting 143 million Americans. The data breach primarily involved names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses, but in some cases, driver’s license and credit card and cash reserve account numbers. We suggest you take the time to thoroughly read the information… Read More