Giving For Good succeeded in its second year in Carbondale, Colo. During October, FirstBank and two Carbondale eateries, Carbondale Creamery and Café and Dos Gringos Burritos, collaborated to raise funds for local Roaring Fork Valley nonprofit, Stepping Stones. For each croissant/latte purchased from the Creamery and burrito purchased from Dos Gringos, FirstBank donated $5 to Stepping Stones.  We are… Read More

The Scam One of the most common scams today is card fraud, the unauthorized use of a credit or debit card to fraudulently obtain money or property. Fraudsters use multiple tactics to collect this information, including copying your card’s magnetic strip (known as skimming), intercepting your card in the mail, or using a strategy called “formjacking,” where… Read More

Over half of FirstBank’s Roaring Fork employees identify as a minority group. Kseniya is one of those employees, and in many ways her background reflects FirstBank’s culture of diversity and inclusion. … Read More

In the spirit of ‘banking for good’, individuals, groups, companies and organizations around the nation have come together to do their part. Whether it’s financial support, donations, or using their resources to help industries in need, these uplifting movements will get us through recent hardships. And ultimately, will make us all stronger in the end.… Read More

FirstBank’s Multicultural Banking Center Senior Vice President Tony Oum knows the value of hard work. After all, he got his first job at the age of nine. When most kids were playing video games Tony was washing dishes, cutting carrots, and deep frying appetizers at his family’s Chinese restaurant. As a new business struggling to… Read More

El rostro de la industria bancaria está cambiando. En FirstBank, creemos que la diversidad nos une, y que la inclusión es uno de nuestros bienes más poderosos. Descubrimos que la diversidad mejora el desempeño laboral, impulsa la innovación y da como resultado una mayor satisfacción al cliente y profesional de lo que jamás habríamos imaginado.… Read More

At FirstBank, we believe there is unity in diversity, value in equity and that inclusion is one of our most powerful assets. What we found is diversity, equity and inclusion enhance company performance, drive innovation and result in higher job satisfaction and customer satisfaction than ever thought possible. This is one of the many reasons… Read More

A company is nothing without the people that comprise it. That is why FirstBank fills its ranks with intelligent individuals with strong moral compasses, and prides itself in hiring and training a diverse employee population. This is at the center of the bank’s “people-first” mentality. Contrary to this philosophy is the inaccurate belief that employing… Read More