Human beings are habit-creating machines, craving any mental or physical shortcut that lets us focus on higher-level thoughts, such as what’s for lunch or developing theories about Netflix dramas. Still, every person who is good at money learned good habits, which means you can, too. “What we know from lab studies is that it’s never too late… Read More

When it comes to teaching kids the value of money and the importance of saving, studies find it’s better to start those conversations early. Kids as young as three can learn basic saving and spending habits, so take this time as an opportunity to build a smart financial foundation. While there are many ways to teach… Read More

Home improvements come with great benefits. A well preserved, updated house is not only great to live in, but results in increased property value. Unfortunately, outsourcing improvement projects can be expensive. So here are six do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvement projects that don’t come with a big price tag and can still make a big difference:  Give… Read More

A chance encounter: It all started with an online dating profile titled “Must Love Phish,” a label inspired by Kara DiStefano’s favorite band and a clever variation of the 2005 American ‘rom-com.’ But after one particularly toxic relationship, the longtime FirstBank customer and award-winning nanny was slowly starting to give up on romance. She was… Read More

Picture this: you finally got up the courage to ask out your crush and they actually said yes. Next step is to impress them with a date that will hopefully lead to more dates in the future. Dating isn’t easy and it certainly isn’t cheap, but if done right, it shouldn’t have to break the… Read More

Yesterday,  two of our Arizona market presidents went undercover at a Fry’s Food Store, located at 4724 N 20th Street in Phoenix, and picked up the tab on roughly $5,000 worth of groceries. The undercover operation was an effort to help promote Arizona Gives Day and encourage the lucky recipients to “pay it forward” by donating as little… Read More

Become one of the nearly 1.2 million participants that have gathered at the BolderBOULDER since 1979. Whether you’re a runner, jogger or even a walker, we encourage you to put your running shoes on and become a part of “America’s All-Time Best 10k”. BolderBOULDER knows how to throw an incredible celebration with the country’s largest… Read More

“Mo money, mo problems,” a popular song lyric popularized by the Notorious B.I.G (Biggie Smalls) in the ‘90s, laid out the problems inherited as one’s cash supply grows. But, what if your problem is a lack of money to begin with? Certainly no one, not even Biggie Smalls, is arguing that there are somehow less… Read More

  1. A good real estate agent is key. There are so many reasons to hire a real estate agent beyond the fact that they have an insider’s knowledge to available properties. They can also help you navigate complicated purchase contracts for one. But you want to make sure you find the right agent for… Read More

Wedding season is almost here, and it’s crunch time to start planning one of the most memorable days of your life. Turns out you have expensive taste, but a low priced budget. Fret not, here are seven ways to have a champagne wedding on a beer budget. Consider an Unconventional Venue. Most wedding venues can… Read More