Nothing embodies the Colorado lifestyle more than the mountains, craft beer and the rugged yet sophisticated look of a strong beard. At least that’s the belief that inspired FirstBank customers Cody and Ashley McAllister to found the Colorado Beard Company. Cody, who has been able to grow a thick beard since his early 20’s, found… Read More

Several years ago when Colorado native and longtime FirstBank customer, Sean Smiley, wanted to leave a successful career in the oil and gas business and invest his life savings into creating an all agave-based spirits distillery, not everyone was onboard. But Smiley had good reason for this drastic lifestyle change: to spend more time with… Read More

Did you know identity thefts occur more in the summer than any other season?  In fact, there’s been a significant increase in identity theft cases—over the summer travel season—since 2010. According to the US Travel Insurance Association (USTIA), the increase in social media, mobile capabilities and lax consumer behavior are responsible for the spike. Because… Read More

From our experience working with thousands of businesses — from small start-ups to nationally recognized brands — we can tell you that overnight success stories are more the exception than the rule.  Knowing that launching a business involves a lot of hard work, research, testing and money, here are three important questions to ask yourself… Read More