As purchasing a home has become more expensive than ever before, many Americans are now considering themselves forever renters with no plans to enter the housing market. According to research from Apartment List, 18% of millennial renters believe they will rent for the rest of their lives, which has steadily increased since 2018. This shift… Read More

A medida que el mercado de la vivienda se ha vuelto cada vez más costoso e inaccesible, tanto para los inquilinos como para los compradores, las oportunidades de vivienda asequible son más importantes que nunca. Datos recientes del Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies^ encontraron que 22.4 millones de inquilinos gastaron más del 30% de… Read More

En los últimos años, Estados Unidos ha visto un gran aumento en la demanda de vivienda debido al crecimiento de la población, las bajas tasas de interés y una economía fuerte. Pero de acuerdo con un informe reciente llamado “Estado de la Nación de la Vivienda”, estas circunstancias económicas favorables también han contribuido a un… Read More

As the housing market has become increasingly expensive and inaccessible for both renters and buyers — affordable housing opportunities are more important than ever. Recent Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies data found 22.4 million renter households were spending more than 30% of their income on rent in 2022. That means half of the U.S.… Read More

Gen Zers and Millennials are making their financial well-being a priority after a year of high inflation and fluctuating interest rates. A recent survey by Fidelity revealed 75% of Gen Zers and Millennials included financial goals in their New Year’s resolutions vs. 53% of Baby Boomers.  Here are three key financial trends Gen Z and… Read More

La generación Z (personas nacidas entre los años 1995 y 2000) ha adoptado un enfoque diferente para ahorrar para el futuro comparado con generaciones anteriores. Una tendencia reciente llamada “soft saving” prioriza las mentalidades de “solo se vive una vez” (YOLO, por sus siglas en inglés) sobre ahorros a largo plazo. De hecho, el 73%^… Read More

In recent years, the United States has seen a vast increase in the demand for housing due to population growth, low interest rates and a strong economy. But according to a recent “State of the Nation Housing” report, those economic tailwinds also led to increased home prices, record rates of housing unaffordability and cost-burdened renters.… Read More

It’s no secret purchasing property is a time-tested strategy to help build wealth. Owning commercial real estate provides tax benefits, financial advantages, and other perks buyers can use to make a profit.  Here’s what you need to know about Owner-Occupied Commercial Real Estate (OOCRE) and how buyers can use this tool to improve cash flow.… Read More

FirstBank believes in ensuring diversity is represented at each level of the organization. In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month by recognizing and celebrating some of FirstBank’s women in leadership. Today we’re featuring Jamie Block, IT Director, Infrastructure. Hometown: Metamora, Illinois Years at FirstBank: 5 years In three to four sentences, describe your experience in… Read More