Debt is something most folks tackle at some point. In fact, consumer debt rose to nearly $15 trillion in 2020. That’s why using credit wisely is so vital, and the goal of today’s article is to provide a short guide to help you better manage debt.   Understanding what kind of debt you have is… Read More

La mayoría de las personas enfrentan deudas en algún momento. De hecho, la deuda de los consumidores aumentó a casi $15 billones (pagina en inglés) en 2020. Es por eso que usar el crédito de manera inteligente es sumamente fundamental, y el objetivo del artículo de hoy es proporcionar una breve guía para ayudarle a administrar… Read More

If you’re an employer, how do you attract talented job seekers–let alone encourage the employees you have to stay, especially among the “Great Resignation”? While many companies think this is only achieved by offering high salaries,  endless PTO and senior job titles (and yes, that may work), it’s not always the case. Here are four… Read More

The ability to effectively manage your credit is a key component of financial literacy and the purpose of today’s article is to briefly shed light on a few credit essentials. What is credit, and why is it important? Before we get into what factors make up a credit score, it’s helpful to grasp why it’s… Read More

Earth Day is April 22nd, and in honor of the special day, we’ve compiled a list of eight things you could stop doing to be more environmentally friendly while saving some cash. 1. Stop receiving paper statements One of the simplest ways to reduce your climate impact is to switch to paperless statements. According to… Read More

Like many people, you may have started this year intending to spend less and save more. And like many people—80 percent, in fact—you’ve probably already broken your New Year’s resolution. That’s okay; there is still enough time to reevaluate your goals and get back on track. Reassess Your Goals But before you recommit to your… Read More

Arizona Gives Day is from noon April 5 to noon April 6, 2022, but the early giving period is now open! Simply visit and select “Donate Now” to make a difference for a cause close to your heart. 💡 Last year, over 40,000 individual donations raised over $7 million for 982 local nonprofits. Arizona… Read More

FirstBank is ‘giving it forward’ in honor of Arizona Gives Day, April 5-6, 2022.   Two Valley FirstBank locations hosted a mock customer appreciation event, complete with treats, a prize wheel, and a visit from the Phoenix Suns Gorilla. Bank visitors were encouraged to spin a prize wheel for a chance to win pens, keychains,… Read More

Es posible que elaborar un presupuesto no sea la tarea más glamorosa de su lista de tareas pendientes, pero ciertamente es una de las más importantes. Esto se debe a que los presupuestos afectan cada parte de su vida financiera, desde cuánto puede ahorrar para unas vacaciones paradisíacas hasta su capacidad de pagar la deuda… Read More

FirstBank realizará retribuciones “giving it” forward con honor de Arizona Gives Day, el 5 y 6 de abril de 2022.  Dos sucursales de FirstBank en Valley organizaron un evento simulacro de agradecimiento al cliente, repleta de dulces, una rueda de premios y una visita del gorila de los Phoenix Suns. Se alentó a los visitantes… Read More