The Golden Years of retirement should be a time of rest and relaxation after a lifetime of work, but improper or inadequate retirement planning can mean working longer than expected. In fact, some studies claim that half of Americans are at risk of not having enough for retirement. Knowing the mistakes to avoid and areas… Read More

Combating climate change has been a hot topic for years, and a 2020 Pew Research poll found that 65 percent of Americans think more needs to be done to address the issue. While a host of legislators, scientists, and other experts debate as to how to best tackle the problem, we as consumers can do… Read More

The COVID-19 pandemic offers us some valuable insights in making our finances more resilient. A few trends have emerged in saving, spending, and investment habits during this time, and today, we’re passing on some of the best lessons we’ve learned.… Read More

FirstBank continues to prioritize the safety and well-being of our customers, communities and employees. We are closely monitoring the evolving situation with coronavirus (COVID-19), and are following strict guidelines provided by government agencies and health organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Please review the information below for specific details. Economic Impact Payments FirstBank… Read More

FirstBank continúa priorizando la seguridad y el bienestar de los clientes, las comunidades y los empleados. Estamos observando de cerca la situación en relación con el coronavirus (COVID-19) conforme evoluciona y estamos siguiendo las estrictas pautas establecidas por agencias gubernamentales y organizaciones de salud, incluyendo los CDC (Centros para el Control y la Prevención de… Read More

If you feel a dollar short and constantly bogged down by debt, you’re not alone. According to reported data, consumer debt reached a record $14.88 trillion last year. In the spirit of Independence Day, we’re here to offer four tips to get you on the path to financial freedom. 1. Eliminate unproductive debt Not all… Read More

As a parent, you want the best for your kids, and helping them develop good habits gives them the foundation for healthy, happy and secure lives. A great place to start is to help them develop good habits for managing money. Here are six important tips for helping your children become money smart. 👇 1.… Read More

Como padre, usted quiere lo mejor para sus hijos, y ayudarles a desarrollar buenos hábitos les da la base para una vida sana, feliz y segura. Un excelente punto de partida es ayudarles a desarrollar buenos hábitos para administrar el dinero (artículo en inglés). Estos son algunos consejos importantes para ayudar a que sus hijos… Read More

Senior citizens are grandparents, neighbors, friends, and well-respected members of our society. Unfortunately, they’re also the most vulnerable to financial abuse. According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA) up to five million seniors experience financial abuse of some kind, costing older Americans more than $36.5 billion annually. Sadly, unlike some other forms of financial… Read More

It seems like only yesterday everyone was busy making New Year’s resolutions. As we tumble quickly into late spring, many of us are starting to wonder how these resolutions are turning out. Do our butts hurt because we’ve stayed true to our commitment to the gym or are we sore from falling off the wagon… Read More