¿Alguna vez has perdido un cheque en el correo o has enviado uno que nunca fue recibido? Es posible que el cheque haya sido robado y utilizado para hacer lavado de cheques. El lavado de cheques se produce cuando los estafadores utilizan productos químicos para lavar la tinta de un cheque y alterar el nombre… Read More

At the beginning of 2023, the Wall Street Journal asked 70 economists to rate the chances of a recession in the next year — and the average answer was 63%. However, the looming recession economists forecasted didn’t happen. In fact, the economy grew by 3.1%, faster than the average for the five years leading up… Read More

Keeping up with the rising cost of higher education may seem daunting, but a CollegeInvest Smart Choice College Savings Account (CSA) can help make saving for college easier. FirstBank and CollegeInvest are offering several added incentives to make the most of your college savings. What is a CollegeInvest Smart Choice CSA? Also known as a… Read More

Gen Zers and Millennials are making their financial well-being a priority after a year of high inflation and fluctuating interest rates. A recent survey by Fidelity revealed 75% of Gen Zers and Millennials included financial goals in their New Year’s resolutions vs. 53% of Baby Boomers.  Here are three key financial trends Gen Z and… Read More

La generación Z (personas nacidas entre los años 1995 y 2000) ha adoptado un enfoque diferente para ahorrar para el futuro comparado con generaciones anteriores. Una tendencia reciente llamada “soft saving” prioriza las mentalidades de “solo se vive una vez” (YOLO, por sus siglas en inglés) sobre ahorros a largo plazo. De hecho, el 73%^… Read More

Comprar una casa es una de las mayores decisiones financieras que puedes tomar. Si bien el proceso puede parecer intimidante, hay programas, recursos y profesionales dispuestos a ayudarte con los retos que trae comprar tu primera casa. Estas son algunas cosas que debes tener en cuenta antes de comprar y lo que puedes esperar del… Read More

Gen Zers have taken a different approach to saving for the future than previous generations. A recent trend called “soft saving” prioritizes YOLO (you only live once) mindsets over long-term savings. In fact, 73% of Gen Zers say they would rather have a better quality of life than put aside extra money in their savings… Read More

We all know the excitement when you discover forgotten money in an old pair of jeans or jacket pocket. Similar to forgotten money, about one in seven people in the United States have unclaimed property. This refers to any money, assets or property that have not yet been claimed by their rightful owner. Every state… Read More

Existen muchos factores para tener en cuenta al tomar la decisión de continuar con la educación superior. Desde los precios de la colegiatura, becas disponibles, financiamiento, hasta encontrar la escuela adecuada; no existe una solución única para todos. Al ser realista sobre tus objetivos y planificar con anticipación, puedes tomar una decisión que sea accesible… Read More