Purchasing Your First Home? Here’s What You Need to Know Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you can make. While the process can seem intimidating, there are programs, resources, and professionals ready to help you with the challenges of purchasing your first home. Here are some things to consider before buying and what you can expect from the process. Homeownership can… Read More
The “Soft Saving” Trend and What it Means for Your Future Gen Zers have taken a different approach to saving for the future than previous generations. A recent trend called “soft saving” prioritizes YOLO (you only live once) mindsets over long-term savings. In fact, 73% of Gen Zers say they would rather have a better quality of life than put aside extra money in their savings… Read More
60 Savings and Money-Making Tips You Didn’t Know Existed Did you know FirstBank has been “banking for good” for over 60 years? We’ve compiled a list of 60 ways to help you make and save money. Finances 1. Earn more with your money. Do you have money that seems to be just sitting in your account collecting dust? Try searching for an interest-bearing savings account to… Read More
6 Formas de Protegerte del Lavado de Cheques ¿Alguna vez has perdido un cheque en el correo o has enviado uno que nunca fue recibido? Es posible que el cheque haya sido robado y lavado^. El lavado de cheques se produce cuando los estafadores utilizan productos químicos para lavar la tinta de un cheque y alterar el nombre del beneficiario o la cantidad… Read More
4 Formas de Proteger Tus Finanzas Durante Cualquier Ciclo Económico A principios de 2023, el Wall Street Journal pidió a 70 economistas que calificaran las posibilidades de una recesión en el próximo año, y la respuesta promedio^ fue del 63%. Sin embargo, la inminente recesión que habían pronosticado por los economistas no se produjo. De hecho, la economía creció^ un 3.1%, más rápido que el… Read More
La Universidad es una Inversión Financiera: Aquí Hay 5 Maneras de Ahorrar Existen muchos factores para tener en cuenta al tomar la decisión de continuar con la educación superior. Desde los precios de la colegiatura, becas disponibles, financiamiento, hasta encontrar la escuela adecuada; no existe una solución única para todos. Al ser realista sobre tus objetivos y planificar con anticipación, puedes tomar una decisión que sea accesible… Read More
Start Early, Save Big with a Smart Choice College Savings Account Keeping up with the rising cost of higher education may seem daunting, but a CollegeInvest Smart Choice College Savings Account (CSA) can help make saving for college easier. FirstBank and CollegeInvest are offering several added incentives to make the most of your college savings. What is a CollegeInvest Smart Choice CSA? Also known as a… Read More
8 Ways to Save Money on Groceries While inflation has become a household name due to its frequency in the news, food prices have long been affected by drastic events, including weather, disease, war, and supply chain disruptions. To help keep your pantry stocked in the face of inflation, here are some tips to spend less and save more. 1. Know which… Read More
Cash Stuffing: How Will This New Budgeting Trend Help You Save? One of the newest budgeting trends made popular by Generation Z is similar to one from a less digital world, about 20 to 30 years ago. Before the surge of plastic payment methods and virtual wallets, hoarding cash was the norm. However, the recent cash-stuffing trend has taken social media platforms by storm. If you’ve… Read More
6 Tips for Building an Emergency Fund We’ve all experienced some sort of financial emergency, whether it’s car trouble or an unexpected vet bill. But having extra funds set aside makes all the difference. Did you know that 68% of people believe they would be unable to cover their essential living expenses for a month if they were to lose their primary… Read More