We often think of homeownership expenses and rarely as something that can make us money, not in the future, but now. Today we’ll be looking at five ways that you can make your mortgage work for you. Find a roomie Renting out a spare room is one of the most common ways to earn income… Read More

If you’re like many homeowners, your house is the place where you can work, relax, eat and sleep, help your kids with their schoolwork and host your Zoom happy hours. But your home is also one of the best places for building wealth, and the way to do this is by increasing the equity you… Read More

Si usted es como muchos propietarios, su casa es el lugar donde puede trabajar, relajarse, comer y dormir, ayudar a sus hijos con sus tareas escolares y organizar sus reuniones por Zoom. Pero su casa también es uno de los mejores lugares para generar riqueza, y la manera de hacerlo es aumentando el valor neto… Read More

According to Business Insider, the best time to sell is slowly approaching. In early May, houses sell faster and for more money than any other time of the year. If you’re eager to get your home “real estate ready” in hopes of taking advantage of the bustling market, but don’t have a big budget for trendy upgrades,… Read More