Alerta de estafa más reciente: Fraude con tarjeta y qué hacer si es víctima de este fraude La estafa Una de las estafas más comunes en la actualidad es el fraude con tarjeta, el uso no autorizado de una tarjeta de crédito o débito para obtener dinero o bienes de manera fraudulenta. Los estafadores utilizan múltiples tácticas para recopilar esta información, incluyendo replicar la banda magnética de su tarjeta (táctica conocida como skimming), la… Read More
Latest Scam Alert: Card Fraud and What to Do If You are a Victim The Scam One of the most common scams today is card fraud, the unauthorized use of a credit or debit card to fraudulently obtain money or property. Fraudsters use multiple tactics to collect this information, including copying your card’s magnetic strip (known as skimming), intercepting your card in the mail, or using a strategy called “formjacking,” where… Read More
Four Ways to Prevent Identity Theft From Happening to You This Holiday Season Could the holidays make us more vulnerable to identity theft? According to experts, it can. And while fraud is a year-round problem, the holidays offer an especially opportune time for thieves. Think about it: purchasing multiple gifts — whether it’s online or in the store — increases exposure to our financial information, and sometimes that… Read More
Six Warning Signs All Daters Should Look for This Summer Longer days, warmer nights, relaxed vibes, rooftop patios, pool gatherings, weddings and BBQs. It’s no wonder why the summer months show one of the larger spikes in online dating activity as singles look to share their summertime fun and seasonal events with someone special. As easy as it may be to find someone on Match, Tinder… Read More
The Skinny on Skimming: 5 Tips to Protect Your Money at the ATM A recent report finds that illegal card skimming continues to grow and has cost consumers more than $2 billion. Skimming is big business, netting crooks an average of $50,000 ($50,000!) each time. Unfortunately, skimming is an increasingly popular method for thieves to steal credit or debit card numbers and PINs, where cardholders swipe to pay… Read More
Tips to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Wire Fraud Wire transfers can be a convenient way to send guaranteed funds quickly. That makes them an attractive way for criminals to steal funds. Fortunately, our crack team of fraud prevention experts here at FirstBank has some advice to help you protect your hard-earned money and prevent you from becoming a victim of wire fraud. Before… Read More