Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: Christian Vazquez FirstBank believes in ensuring diversity is represented at each level of the organization. In September and October, we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by recognizing and celebrating some of FirstBank’s Hispanic employees. Today, we’re featuring Christian Vazquez, Marketing Translation Specialist. Hometown: Guadalajara, México Years at FirstBank: Nearly 10 years Other positions held with organizations/boards: FirstBank liaison… Read More
FirstBank presenta los premios ‘Good Business Awards’ para reconocer a los negocios del Coachella Valley En asociación con One Valley Foundation (OVF), la fundación oficial de los Coachella Valley Firebirds, FirstBank presenta el lanzamiento de los premios ‘Good Business Awards’ para reconocer a los negocios locales que están marcando una diferencia en la comunidad. ¿Qué son los premios ‘Good Business Awards’? ¿Cómo puedes nominar a un negocio? ¿Por qué FirstBank lanza… Read More
FirstBank Announces ‘Good Business Awards’ to Recognize Coachella Valley Businesses In partnership with One Valley Foundation (OVF), the Official Foundation of the Coachella Valley Firebirds, FirstBank introduces a brand-new ‘Good Business Awards’ to recognize local businesses making a difference in the community. What are the ‘Good Business Awards’? How to nominate a business: Why is FirstBank launching the ‘Good Business Awards’? “Small businesses are the… Read More
Dueño de negocio en Arizona recibe ayuda por parte de FirstBank Cuando la tragedia llegó, la familia Stice no solo resistió, sino que salió adelante y mantuvo su negocio contra todas las adversidades. El programa de Actos de Bondad de FirstBank permite a sus empleados ayudar a clientes y comunidades que lo necesiten. A través de este esfuerzo, el banco pudo brindar apoyo a la familia… Read More
FirstBank Raised $60,000 To Support Three Planet-Friendly Causes FirstBank is serious about making a positive impact on the environment. For every consumer checking account opened over the summer, we donated to several planet-friendly causes. Thanks to you, we raised $60,000 for causes that help save bees, conserve water, and plant trees.* Since 2021, we’ve donated $120,000 to Project Apis m., Western Resource Advocates,… Read More
FirstBank recaudó $60,000 para apoyar tres causas ambientalmente amigables con el planeta. FirstBank se toma en serio en tener un impacto positivo en el medio ambiente. Por cada cuenta de cheques del consumidor abierta durante el verano, realizamos una donación a varias causas ambientalmente amigables con el planeta. Gracias a ti, donamos $60,000 a causas que ayudan a salvar abejas, conservar agua y plantar árboles.* Desde 2021,… Read More
Arizona Business Owner Gets a Boost from FirstBank When tragedy hit, the Stice family didn’t just endure—they pushed through and kept their business going against all odds. FirstBank’s Acts of Goodness program allows its employees to assist customers and communities in need. Through this effort, the bank was able to provide support to the Stice family while also highlighting their small business. Meet… Read More
8 Ways FirstBank is Helping The Planet With the climate crisis at the forefront of everyone’s mind, FirstBank puts “banking for good” to action with its many environmental initiatives. Here are eight ways FirstBank has strived to foster sustainability and help preserve our planet. Planting Trees Since 2021, FirstBank has partnered with global reforestation nonprofit, One Tree Planted, to plant 110,000-plus trees across Colorado, Arizona,… Read More
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at FirstBank Fiestas Hispanic Heritage Month honors the vibrant cultures, traditions, and contributions of Hispanic and Latinx communities. To celebrate, we’re hosting free bilingual events. Stop by one of the following locations to enjoy FREE food from local restaurants*, live music, family-friendly activities, and enter a drawing to win fun prizes. During these events, you’ll also have the… Read More
Celebra el Mes de la Herencia Hispana en las FirstBank Fiestas El Mes de la Herencia Hispana rinde homenaje a las culturas, tradiciones y contribuciones de las comunidades hispana y latina. Para celebrar, estamos organizando eventos bilingües gratuitos. Visita uno de los siguientes lugares para disfrutar de comida GRATIS de restaurantes locales*, música en vivo, actividades para toda la familia y para participar en un sorteo… Read More