Every day, thousands of people fall victim to fraudulent emails, texts and calls from scammers pretending to be their bank. And in this time of expanded use of online banking, the problem is only growing worse. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission’s 2019 report on fraud estimates that American consumers reported losing a staggering $1.9… Read More

Home loans often come with a lot of questions, and that’s a good thing because home-related loans are often the biggest financial decisions you’re likely to make. But even the best inquiries are wasted if they come too late. With that in mind, today we’ll be discussing some of the questions you should be prepared… Read More

The Scam Over the years, there have been a growing number of “spoofing” attempts being made in the financial industry, including on FirstBank customers. Fraudsters are using falsified caller ID numbers — or what appears to be legitimate text messages — to trick FirstBank customers into providing sensitive information. These scammers are either acting as… Read More

La pandemia actual ha llevado a que los compradores en línea lleguen a números récord. Pero este auge en línea también puede conducir a más fraude. Según algunos expertos, puede suceder. Una encuesta reciente de TransUnion informó que el 22 por ciento de los estadounidenses fueron víctimas de algún tipo de fraude en línea en… Read More

Kate Bellino’s FirstBank career has been eventful to say the least. In little over a year she’s held two positions and weathered a pandemic. She’s seen nationwide protests and found a passion for social justice in the process. Now, in the midst of it all, she’s making a move to the nation’s capital. Like we… Read More

Giving For Good succeeded in its second year in Carbondale, Colo. During October, FirstBank and two Carbondale eateries, Carbondale Creamery and Café and Dos Gringos Burritos, collaborated to raise funds for local Roaring Fork Valley nonprofit, Stepping Stones. For each croissant/latte purchased from the Creamery and burrito purchased from Dos Gringos, FirstBank donated $5 to Stepping Stones.  We are… Read More

Challenging times can inspire us to strengthen community ties and support recovery efforts, together. They can also inspire people to evaluate their lives and take better care of themselves — 80 percent of Americans say they intend to incorporate self-care into their daily routines more regularly after COVID-19. Given the pandemic’s economic impact, it’s not… Read More