Did you know 40% of businesses that encounter a disaster or emergency close permanently after? That’s why emergency planning and disaster preparation is key to the success of business in the aftermath. Disasters and other emergency events can cause damage, delays, and interruptions to your business, leading to potentially devastating financial losses. Here are some… Read More

En marzo, celebramos el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer reconociendo y celebrando a algunas de las mujeres líderes de FirstBank. Hoy presentamos a Paige Dopler, Gerente de la sucursal de Greeley. Ciudad natal: Greeley, CO Años en FirstBank: 10 años 1. En tres o cuatro frases, ¿podrías describir tu experiencia para llegar a dónde… Read More

In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month by recognizing and celebrating some of FirstBank’s women in leadership. Today, we’re featuring Paige Dopler, Greeley Branch Manager. Hometown: Greeley, CO Years at FirstBank: 10 Years 1. In three to four sentences, describe your experience in getting to where you are today. When I graduated college, I didn’t… Read More

Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you can make. While the process can seem intimidating, there are programs, resources, and professionals ready to help you with the challenges of purchasing your first home. Here are some things to consider before buying and what you can expect from the process. Homeownership can… Read More

As purchasing a home has become more expensive than ever before, many Americans are now considering themselves forever renters with no plans to enter the housing market. According to research from Apartment List, millennials are falling behind other generations in home ownership. Millennials make up the largest generation in the country currently, but only 45.5%… Read More

Gen Zers have taken a different approach to saving for the future than previous generations. A recent trend called “soft saving” prioritizes YOLO (you only live once) mindsets over long-term savings. In fact, 73% of Gen Zers say they would rather have a better quality of life than put aside extra money in their savings… Read More

The number of consumers who reported stolen cryptocurrency has increased substantially, with reported losses of over $110 million in 2023 and $66 million in just the first half of 2024. As online fraudsters continue to become more savvy and cryptocurrency grows in popularity, knowing what to look out for to protect yourself and your funds… Read More

A pesar de lo que algunos creen, el clima frío no evita que ocurran inundaciones en el sótano, que tengas problemas de plomería u otros inconvenientes con la calefacción. Entonces, ¿cómo puedes evitar reparaciones costosas y ahorrarte miles de dólares? FirstBank tiene la solución. Aquí te mostramos algunos problemas comunes que el invierno puede traer… Read More

It’s no secret that starting a new business is hard work, and many aspiring business owners can face challenges throughout the process. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), about 30% of new businesses fail within the first two years, 50% within the first five years, and 70% within the first 10 years. … Read More

¿Sabía que los negocios propiedad de personas afroamericanas son los menos propensos^ a recibir financiamiento? En comparación, el 40% de los negocios propiedad de personas americanas blancas recibieron todo el financiamiento que solicitaron en comparación al 31% de negocios propiedad de personas asiáticas, el 20% de negocios propiedad de personas hispanas y solo el 13%… Read More