Estos cinco préstamos podrían ayudarle a crear o hacer crecer su negocio Es justo decir que muchos propietarios de negocios preferirían financiar su negocio ellos mismos y usar su propio efectivo para crecer, especialmente en un entorno de tasas en aumento. Sin embargo, a veces las negocios necesitan acceso a dinero que actualmente no tienen… Read More

Recientemente, el sector bancario ha notado un aumento en los intentos de fraude con cheques y FirstBank está comprometido a ayudar a nuestros clientes a prevenir este tipo de ataques. Cualquier empresa, sin importar su tamaño, ubicación o industria, puede ser víctima de fraude. Hay varias tácticas para evitar el fraude eficazmente, pero puede resultar… Read More

So, you’ve come up with a great business idea and you’re ready to take your industry by storm. What now? We have some answers that can help you take your idea and make it a success, starting with these four steps. 1. Sharpen the concepts When starting a business – as a record 3.4 million… Read More

FirstBank values a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship with every customer. This rings especially true with local businesses, who strive to grow and help their communities at the same time. Here’s the thing: we want our customers to succeed, because their success becomes our success. Pretty simple philosophy, actually. This is one of the many… Read More

Only one in ten small businesses will make it their 10 year anniversary. That means access to capital plays an important role in the viability of small companies everywhere — and our economic well-being. Simply put, we need small businesses to succeed, and we need to ensure they have the resources to do so. Fortunately,… Read More

Is money flowing out of your business, faster than it’s coming in? Turns out, you’re not alone. According to the National Federation of Independent Business research, half of small businesses don’t hold enough cash for one month, while 25 percent of small businesses can’t even make it two weeks. While challenges vary from industry to… Read More

Sometimes we come across some truly amazing customers, who despite hard times and personal tragedies, try to positively impact those around them. We call these our “Good Customers,” and we’re setting out to make their day. The Taco Stop Cesar and Berenice were just 19-years-old when they started The Taco Stop, an authentic Mexican food… Read More

You can think of culture as your company’s personality. Just as with personality, corporate culture impacts perceptions, both internally and externally. Sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor make it so any conversation about your company can become public information. Point being, how your employees are treated, and the work environment you create, can positively or… Read More

Each week, FirstBank officers converge to a sharply appointed boardroom for “Loan Committee,” where we review loan requests that exceed certain thresholds. Over the course of 90 minutes, officers  present certain loan deals in front of executives and staff. It’s unusual compared to other institutions, but it’s also what makes FirstBank unique and enables us… Read More

How can you ensure that your business is maximizing efficiency and productivity? Here are some strategies you can implement to help a business run smarter, smoother and level the playing field between small organizations and large corporations. Artificial Intelligence Providing quality customer service can be costly and might not be feasible for smaller businesses. Instead… Read More