62 percent of us worry about money so much it regularly impacts our sleep, according to a national survey by CreditCards.com. This means that two out of three people are laying awake at night thinking about their finances. When you consider that sleep deprivation can impair your judgment, lead to high blood pressure, weight gain and heart failure, it’s worth considering ways to alleviate it. So during Sleep Awareness Week (March 11-18), FirstBank is providing tips to help you worry about your finances less and sleep more. Here’s what you can do starting today: Realize you’re not alone. While this may provide little comfort, it’s important to remember all people — even “A-listers” — experience financial struggles, and consequently, anxiety no matter how much they make. One survey even found that 64 percent of Americans have experienced a financial hardship in the past year, regardless of their income level. Take control. Those who take an active role in learning and understanding their finances are less stressed and more confident. Luckily, we live in an age where tons of free tools and resources are available to help get a better grasp on your money, including several apps that can help organize your income, debt and spending. Some money manager apps can even provide an in-depth snapshot of your financial situation and create individual saving and payment plans to help you reach your goals. Carve out time to worry. While it may sound strange to have a “worry time,” studies find this approach helps improve sleep. Setting aside a designated planning time to brainstorm solutions about your finances—or other problems that may be plaguing you—can keep angst at a minimum and sleep at a maximum. This can be as simple as making a task list before bed or taking five minutes to review outstanding items. Get a routine. Having a consistent daily routine, including when you start work, when you eat dinner and when you go to bed, can actually lead to better sleep, according to a study in the Journal of Gerontology. But consistent routines don’t just improve your sleep; a study from Brigham Young University showed that having consistent wake-up and bed times is associated with lower body fat levels. Ease up on the drinks. It’s not uncommon for people who feel sleep deprived or stressed to load up on caffeine during the day and wine or alcohol at night. The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine explains that several cups of coffee during the day—especially consumed six hours before bed—can prevent you from falling asleep. And while a few glasses of wine or cocktails may “conk” you out initially, it also puts your body in an awakened state as you metabolize alcohol, making it nearly impossible to get those quality ZZZZs. Power down. Having computers, handheld devices and other electronics in our bedroom doesn’t only serve as a constant reminder of work, finances and other items that invoke stress, but it also increases neuron activity in our brains. What’s more, the glowing light from tech devices tells our brain it isn’t bedtime yet and delays production of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. Experts suggest making your room an electronic-free zone and giving yourself 15 to 30 technology-free minutes before bed to unwind. Related Posts Six Money Wasting Expenses and Solutions Ten Easy Ways to Save Money During the Holidays Ten Easy Ways to Save Money During the Holidays Published: March 11, 2018