Dogs. The very name conjures up thoughts of adorable puppies, tear jerking movies, and fond nostalgia for owners. They’re cute, they’re fluffy, and they’re a man’s best friend (women seem to love them, too!). While we wouldn’t advise you to take financial advice from your dog (insert puns here…”de-paw-sit”), we can point out where Fido… Read More

Wire Fraud. Picture this: You’ve saved $75,000 — your entire life savings for a down payment on a new home. You spent months looking and finally found your dream house. Your offer’s been accepted, your mortgage approved and closing day is set. You’re over the moon. Before you close, you’re emailed wire instructions on where… Read More

No one likes insufficient funds notices and the hefty overdrafts that come with them. Overdrafts can create setbacks and unnecessary financial strain that cause us to channel our inner groundhog – hiding at their very sight. Luckily, you can rest easy with these four simple tips to help prevent  them. 1. Sign up for Online… Read More

Winter is here, and you know what that means? It’s cube hunting season! Those of you familiar with our Capture the Cube contest know that last year, for the first time in the contest’s 3-year history, we brought the game off the mountain and into the city. The game took place at select bus shelters… Read More

FirstBank’s mission is to help businesses get big. It’s one of the reasons we advertise customers on billboards and feature them on our blog. It’s also why we partner with our customers for different programs and campaigns such as Food Truck Friday or Capture the Cube.  If we have a corporate event or a customer appreciation effort, we always… Read More

Which One is Best for You? Businesses are very similar to a living, breathing entity. And much like living beings, your business needs nourishment to grow. Instead of vegetables and vitamins though, your business’ nourishment is cash.  Cash helps transform your vision to reality, increases your buying power, expands your physical footprint and hires more… Read More

Three locations. Three food trucks. FREE food. Several months ago, FirstBank launched a Food Truck Friday customer appreciation program in Denver. The response we received was AMAZING. Thanks to several of you, who asked us to do something similar in the Phoenix-metro area, we’re expanding the program to show our AZ customers some love. Every… Read More

  A new year brings a chance to start fresh with just about anything. If your midnight toast included a resolution to improve your financial health, here’s how to make it happen. Get on a budget To get ahead, it’s important to know where you stand and to create a plan with realistic goals such… Read More

A few weeks ago, our management team (VP of Marketing Joe Amato-Baril,  Banking Officer Cassie Sosa and Regional President Emily Robinson) went undercover as King Soopers employees and surprised more than 100 unsuspecting shoppers by paying for their groceries. In return, we asked them to consider paying it forward to their favorite charity on Colorado… Read More

An Emmy award-winning visual effect artist, two fans of Nintendo and a passion for brewing – these are the ingredients behind one of Phoenix’s favorite craft breweries, 8-Bit Aleworks. Started by Ryan and Krystina Whitten in 2015, 8-Bit’s name and retro-gaming theme was inspired from the Nintendo game console the husband-wife duo played as kids. The… Read More