Monday, November 13, marked World Kindness Day. This observance was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement to help promote kindness worldwide. While FirstBank is known for its “banking for good” mantra and philanthropic efforts, its employees carry this philosophy outside the bank and into their communities. From picking up trash, paying for groceries,… Read More

It’s no surprise that investment fraud is common, since investments can often be complicated and difficult for people to understand. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in 2022, consumers reported losing more money to investment scams than any other category, adding up to a whopping $3.8 billion.  Here’s everything you need to know about… Read More

¡Colorado Gives Day 2023 se llevó a cabo el martes 5 de diciembre, y nos complace reportar otro día exitoso de donaciones! Más de 237,000 donaciones para un total de más de $54.2 millones que beneficiaron a más de 3,600 organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Puedes ayudar a tus organizaciones sin fines de lucro favoritas durante… Read More

Colorado Gives Day 2023 was Tuesday, Dec. 5, and we’re happy to report another successful day of giving!  Over 237,000 donations totaling more than $54.2 million benefitted over 3,600 nonprofit organizations. You can help your favorite nonprofits year-round by visiting  What is Colorado Gives Day? Tuesday, December 5th, is Colorado Gives Day, an annual one-day… Read More

Every week, economists are either predicting a full-blown recession or speculating that we may skirt around one. But with factors like high-interest rates, increased unaffordability, rising oil and gas prices, resumed student debt repayments, and a looming government shutdown, one thing is evident: consumers and businesses will have a lot less dispensable cash. A Harvard… Read More

Protecting our planet is a collective responsibility that benefits us all. Though the idea of making these changes may seem overwhelming, even the smallest of actions possess the potential to have significant impacts as time goes on. Be a Conscious Consumer Being a conscious consumer helps to reduce our collective environmental footprint. Conscious consumerism means… Read More

Aunque el aumento de las tasas de interés trae incertidumbres  en la economía, hay formas de utilizar esas alzas de precios para tu beneficio. Ya sea abriendo una cuenta de ahorros con tasas de interés altas o transfiriendo saldos de tarjetas de crédito, hemos recopilado cuatro sugerencias para ayudarte a navegar por las crecientes tasas… Read More

You’ve probably received an email before alerting you that your data has been leaked in a data breach. A data breach is an intentional security incident that exposes sensitive, confidential data to unauthorized third parties. This exposed information can range from banking details, personal identification, and protected health information to any other private intellectual property. … Read More

Did you know fake bank messages are the most reported text scams? According to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report, over 40% of people who reported a text scam in 2022 said the text impersonated a bank. To better protect yourself, here are five signs this text is a scam. Strange phone numbers In most… Read More