La temporada de fiestas está aquí. Ya sea que invites a toda la familia o hagas algo más pequeño, considera usar productos de negocios locales. No solo tu familia disfrutará de una comida o experiencia incomparable, sino que también creará la ocasión ideal para pasar tiempo de calidad en familia. Estos son algunos de los… Read More

Las redes sociales tienen una gran cantidad de videos cautivadores y consejos aparentemente confiables. Sin embargo, es importante tener cuidado a la hora de aplicar consejos provenientes de redes sociales. Esto es especialmente cierto con el contenido financiero, como GirlMath^ o consejos de inversión de criptomoneda^, ya que pueden ser engañosos. Según una encuesta reciente^,… Read More

FirstBank se complace en presentar el sistema Real-Time Payments (RTP®),  el cual hace que los fondos estén disponibles inmediatamente y reduce los desafíos de flujo de efectivo que otros métodos de pago presentan. ¿Qué es Real-Time Payments®? El sistema Real-Time Payments puede transferir dinero a una cuenta de negocio o personal en cuestión de segundos… Read More

Many of us have likely encountered the tipping prompt when grabbing coffee or food from a fast-service counter, offering several gratuity options (e.g. 10%, 20% and 30%). However, these point of service conveniences have also resulted in growing frustrations among consumers known as “tip fatigue” – the increasing pressure and confusion around tipping. Among 30… Read More

The holiday season has officially arrived. Whether you invite the entire family or keep it on the smaller side, consider using products from local businesses. Not only will your family be treated to an unmatched meal or experience, but it will also create the ideal occasion for quality family time.  Here are some of the… Read More

Social media has an abundance of captivating videos and seemingly reliable advice. But it’s important to exercise caution when applying advice from social platforms. This is especially true with financial content, like GirlMath or cryptocurrency investment hacks, as they can be misleading. According to a recent survey, 79% of millennial and Gen Z Americans have… Read More

Cybersecurity is necessary to protect your computer systems and electronic data from the dangers of browsing the web. In fact, in 2022, over 490 million ransomware attacks were reported by organizations worldwide. In 2021 alone, 94% of malware was delivered via email, which demonstrates the value of knowing how to identify and prevent these sorts… Read More

According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners reports, U.S. businesses will lose an average of 5% of their gross revenues to fraud. As fraud schemes become increasingly intricate, any company, regardless of size or industry, can fall victim. To combat the ever-evolving list of scams, here are six of the most valuable tactics to… Read More