Millennials are awesome! While this is not something exclaimed across society often, it is something FirstBank believes and something our own millennials demonstrate in their actions.

FirstBank’s 33 interns from across Colorado joined forces in Denver to help clean alleys in the Globeville neighborhood. These “Off-Duty Bankers” experienced more than a day of painting, weeding, furniture moving, and trash clean up. They contributed to a day of community building by volunteering with Extreme Community Makeover, an organization that works to improve neighborhoods and homes.


“My favorite part is getting to know the other FirstBank bank volunteers, and stepping out of my comfort zone and getting to know people,” Eryn Pinkney said.

A neighborhood rich with history and determination to rebuild, welcomed our interns to help clean alleys on a hot July day. Extreme Community Makeover and local neighbors provided us with supplies. We even collaborated with residents to discuss what issues we could assist with.

One group of interns went beyond alley cleanup and helped a home with yard work. The homeowner was thrilled she had support cleaning overgrown foliage on her property.

Our millennial interns’ time, energy, sweat, and smiles also evoked a large amount of gratitude from other residents. It was moments like these that created a memorable experience for volunteers.

“It was an amazing experience to volunteer with the Extreme Community Makeover. The changes to the community were amazing to witness and be a part of,” Jincy Abraham said. “When some of the residents came out to personally say thank you for our work, it made the experience worth all the hard work!”


“It was very hot out but also very rewarding,” Katie Pierson said. “The alley that my group was assigned to had so much furniture and so many weeds in it. People from Extreme Community Makeover took pictures of it and said it was the most they had ever seen removed from an alley.”

“What makes me want to volunteer is knowing that I can make a difference in someone else’s life by doing little things that can really brighten up their day,” Crane McGuckin said.

Published: July 29, 2016

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