According to Business Insider, the best time to sell is slowly approaching. In early May, houses sell faster and for more money than any other time of the year. If you’re eager to get your home “real estate ready” in hopes of taking advantage of the bustling market, but don’t have a big budget for trendy upgrades,… Read More

Home improvements come with great benefits. A well preserved, updated house is not only great to live in, but results in increased property value. Unfortunately, outsourcing improvement projects can be expensive. So here are six do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvement projects that don’t come with a big price tag and can still make a big difference:  Give… Read More

  1. A good real estate agent is key. There are so many reasons to hire a real estate agent beyond the fact that they have an insider’s knowledge to available properties. They can also help you navigate complicated purchase contracts for one. But you want to make sure you find the right agent for… Read More

U.S. News & World Report just ranked Denver the No. 1 place to live in the U.S. But a Bloomberg article revealed that being a highly desirable place doesn’t always have its benefits. The median home price in Denver surged to $337,500, jumping more than $40,000 since 2014. What’s more, Denver-metro is holding one of the top spots – out of… Read More